My first job was to create a captivating cover design, I wanted to start out with something that I knew so I chose a design that alludes to my years studying tattoo art. Beginning as a side project, I took an idea and created an illustration of a Chinese story known as the Dragon's Gate:
The story tells a tale of a Koi fish who wishes to become dragon. The fish began his journey of swimming upstream (synonymous with American salmon) and was able to overcome adversity and jump over the falls of the dragon's gate( This "gate" being a waterfall as opposed to an actual gate). The fish transformed into the half dragon koi. But if the half creature wished to become a dragon then it would have to also swim out of the currents of the falls safely. After the koi reached this point it was able to transform out of the water and into a dragon and live the rest of it's life in the heavens.

This tale is one of my favorites!!! It is a story that has a great message of living your life to the fullest and never giving up so we may all one day become "dragons" in the heavens. As you can see in my illustration I used a style of drawing that has become unique to me. You have all seen this in my work before and I feel this particular work has helped me into transforming from artist to a better artist. I have much more to learn and for now this is one of my best works, but over time I will get better at what I do, such is the wish of any artist, be it writing or visual or musical. (NOTE: the image I have for this isn't what I'd like so when is up and running you'll find a high red and BETTER version there!)
Along with this cover I also was in charge of formatting the entire issue into the form of a book as well as heading up decisions on what art would be accepted into the issue. Well, the fall issue came out as a great success, to the point where we already need back orders, since they are all GONE!!! lol I am currently working on the new SPRING edition which will revolve around vintage posters from Circus'. I love clowns....DUH! so I feel the whimsy of Spring could be captivated with such subject matter with a juxtaposition of a dark atmosphere. You'll see what I mean soon.
If anyone is interested in submitting poetry, stories, art etc for the Spring Helix please send an email with your files to We accept jpegs @ 300 dpi and.doc files for you writers. Until next time...
...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LOVE ERIN ROSE!!!! and a happy start to the St. Patty's Season!
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