So here's the scoop. Recently I was part of a show in Plantsville. It was an open call for artists and I was able to submit a piece of work to possibly be hung for a show. Well, lo and behold I got accepted by the gallery. It was a great collection of work from artists and congrats to any winners (it was a juried show). Thanks a bunch as well to the gallery. The name of the gallery is Paris in Plantsville and they are a small collective of artists who rent the space out for shows, lessons, etc. They do a great job and I would also like to extend my thanks to Jordan Deschene who is one of their resident artists and a very warm welcoming dude. He made things seem more welcoming than other galleries I've attended who have the avantgard attitude that makes artists seem negaqtive to the outside viewer. He and his crew seem way more hospitable than the average gallery and it made for a night of positive vibes. Thanks again guys. Below is the work I chose to submit. I don't think I need to explain, it's mainly a studio throwback that I thought would be fun to share. In the menatime, visit their website @ Great artists and things happening there.
In other news, the last welcome to Bohemia show was very fun indeed!!! It was held at Billings Forge in Hartford (another gallery/collective) and was hosted by the Libertine Collective. I was asked to be MC for the show. And though I have never done and MC gig before I was more than excited and glad to give it a go. I'll admit I was nervous at first but I loosened up early on and I think I did an alright job. ANYONE NEED AN MC?! I can add that to my list of activities now. Seriously, I love talking and in front of crowd is fun and it was something that was so much more fun than I though it would be.
But anywho, the show itself was spectacular. There was artwork from some CT artists like Corey Pane and H.L. Groen, there was live music from The kelvins and others, and amazing work from spoken word artists such as Summer Tate. ALSO Sugati was there to share her AMAZING dancing skills, always a wicked treat. Great Night I think the next one will be just as good if not better.
UPCOMING: the website is getting closer to complete. Problem now is the two sites I'm currently trying to run are intertwined and running each other's info by mistake. SO once I fix that this week I'll have the grand re-opening.
I'm going to Denver, CO soon for a weekish excursion with the Helix magazine. We'll attending the AWP conference, basically a huge conference of writer's and such. I'm thinking it's going to be ridiculously fun. The Spring issue is on it's way, by the way.
I'll post photos once I take em. I'll keep everyone in the know.
Lastly, I think It's almost time to start sharing some of my characters from the comic I've been working on for 8 years and I think I'm ready to get publishing. Maybe next posting. Until next time kids, I'll leave you with this thought:
"I've won grammys, I've met the Queen of England, and I've met the President of the United States, and what did I do? I was just being myself."
-paraphrased from Ozzy Osbourne (go out and get his autobiography, it's amazing)