This snake has gone by two names "Pills" and "The Popper". I chose the second title as an official to allude to the term "Pill Popper"....DUH! The basis for this snake started on the premise of people who are addicted to pills, both legal and illegal. Whether it be pain killers, acid, or even ibuprofen in some cases there are some individuals are let pills act as their escape from problems.
The abuse of pills leads to identity crisis. I chose to make the snakes belly out of pills. The snake bites down hard into his pill stomach trying to ease the pains of life but is in essence hurting himself. He bites and bites and ravages his body trying to numb his body. He bleeds the same as the insides of the pills he takes, showing how he has become his vice.
Between his scales lie his true body still attached to the pills to cement this notion of "becoming one's sin". The color choice: I definitely wanted a dark red, this dark color compliments the brightness of the pills.
Snake number 3 in the series, it is a favorite of many. I hope everyone is enjoying.
"Feast or famine, Drink deception"
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