So today I thought I'd take some time to share two pieces I recently did as gifts for two of my best friends. The first is a realistic drawing of a Smith & Wesson .357 revolver I did for Mr Ka. I knew he is a gun enthusiast even more so than I am. So I figured let's do a drawing that shows one of the most badass firearms out there (well, at least in terms of small arms). It's actually a personal favorite of mine as well so I thought this would also work as a means to get some good drawing exercise in rendering an inanimate object as realistically as possible.

I was very pleased with the final product. It took about 2 hours to really get in there with a 6B pencil, a nice dark and soft graphite. It gave me the desired effect of that chrome appearance of a revolver.
I quote Jenna "Fuck you dude, how are you so good!"
I love it when I get sworn at for my art ......and I totally mean that too, thank you Jenna, that quote must go in my professional portfolio
Next is a work I did for Jay. I decided I would stick with the weaponry theme for this and I knew his favorite cutting device of all time is the Kukhri, used by Gurka mercenaries in the Middle East. I drew a few concept sketches but I came to the conclusion I felt it was way too boring with just the knife. So I decided to put a touch of my style to it. I made the knife pierce a neon green skull. Green being Jay's favorite color and then I used orange in the background since I figured it had a nice contrasting effect.

After I finished adding color I was more than happy with the result. It uses the stylized skull but with a realistically rendered kukhri. This is an effect I really like using and I will try and incorporate it into more of my artowork.
I chose to title this piece "Death Before Dishonor 2". I have done another work with the same theme and title and it's a recurring slogan in tattoo art that has always caught my interest.
I framed both works and the guys were both very pleased with the end results. I love art so much and I find I do my best work when I am motivated by my best friends. To the lumberjackers (you know who you are) I love you guys, most of what I do in life is truly affected by you. You keep me optimistic in such a sometimes shitty world.
Of course I like ending with a quote and since I love the new Mastodon album we'll go with something from that.
"Falling from grace cause I've been away too long, leaving you behind with my lonesome song, now I'm lost in oblivion"
from "Oblivion", Mastodon